jeudi, octobre 02, 2008

Wahahaha!!! i've been a lazy blogger..i blog like once in a while or rather when i feel like it, which isn't very often..Been rather busy lately and i've been rather weak the past few weeks of so with my cough taking at least 2 weeks to recover and i've not exactly fully recovered yet..

ok the most happening thing tat happened to me 2 or 3 weeks ago is that i played mahjong and went prawning on fine night with wu gui, lilian, aunty giok and my brother (hahaha!!! poor brother was my slave that night) my bro had to help take out all the prawns tat was caught.. and i suck at prawning, i din catch a single thing, i was so frustrated tat night, but i had fun any o how..

Work been's alright soooo..hahaha!!! finally met everyone in my dept..hehehe

hahaha!!! let me share some lame joke:

The phone bill was exceptionally high and

the man of the house called a family meeting...

On a Saturday morning...

after breakfast...


People this is unacceptable.

You have to limit the use of the phone.

I do not use this phone, I use the one at the office.


Same here,

I hardly use this home telephone as I use my work telephone.


Me too,

I never use the home phone.

I always use my company mobile.


So - what is the problem?

We all use our work telephones !!!!!

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