mercredi, mai 13, 2009

I wonder where have the motivation to blog has gone to?? hmmmm..
anyways this sentence from a song has been stuck on me ever since i heard the song, the sentence goes like this "when no one seems to understand, I Do" thus the msn nick...
so when no one seems to understand, who does. Would anyone understand even if u explain. As i watching a TV drama i line went like this, You don't understand the pain you're putting everyone through, den the person replies back if i told u how i feel and what i want would u understand what i am going through.. Everyone wants someone who understands them, but den in the limited world, who is the one person who truly understands. Even your loved ones, spouse, mother, father, sister, brother cannot understand u fully. So the question remains, who can understand u fully. And the song goes on and say i knit u in your mother's womb and called u by name.. now we have the answer..the one who knew us before we were formed, before we knew him. The best parent, lover, friend anyone could have.. Decipher it yourself..

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