mardi, février 13, 2007

ipp has started, my office is at changi north, thank god there's the company bus that will fetch us in to the office at tenah merah. guess wat dept i've been posted to..i got posted to the accounts dept..hahahaha!! now am keying in stocks in spare parts, like doing inventory. they have 4000 over of different kinds of spare parts. it's actually quite fun, but very tedious to the eyes..
most of people in the office are ladies hahaha!! suddenly i feel so young.. oh wells, still dunno all the ppl there yet and still feel kinda shy talking to them (*hard to imgaine right?)

ok the good news is i might not need to work every sat (*keep praying for me peeps).
am praying hard i don't have to work this sat.

was in terrible pain ytd night, the side of my stomach was hurting so badly, the worse part was no one was at home.. tried to eat the chinese pills for tummy aches but it doesn't work, tried calling my bro but he din answer, tried calling my mum but she's still on the plane, ate painkiller, tried callling keith, on the 3rd try she picked up and i asked her to buy gastric pills, tried sleeping but couldn't.
spoke to God and he moved. cuz normally painkiller does not work on stopping the pain for this particular kind of pain, it took effect last night and the pain subsided..and i slept soundly.

things am looking forward to:
-valentines date with the wam ladies
-steamboat at puay's

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