mercredi, mai 24, 2006

i have a sudden urge to seclude myself for a few days or maybe for a whole week. neways i juz want to spend time alone away from ppl.. juz me, myself with my music and God. can't wait for my block leave.

I just feel that its all so superficial, it feels that it doesn't matter if i relate with anybody at all.

i juz went to batam on sunday, finally bought myself a new shoe, i love it alot lar, i think my taste is weird lar, my sis says its not nice, but i think it's nice lar, neways it doesn't matter cuz i bought it le. hahahaha!! Missy Elliot rocks man!

my stomach feels like crap now, this few days it has been super weak lar. think my period is coming soon. i keep getting tired easily and a little bit of moodswings.

Am starting to drag myself to school now every morning, i feel so out of place in the place where am posted to.

i needa get of the place that am in..

ending here.

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